PR News

Caribbean POSH Magazine’s Return to the Dot Com

14 February 2011

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One Publisher’s pursuit to Newsstands.

February 14th 2011 – [] British Virgin Islands: It’s POSH DAY -Caribbean POSH Magazine has returned to the dot com after an almost two year hiatus.

This is a return worth celebrating since just a year ago it seemed as if the award winning magazine would be no more. The plague of economic down turn had advertisers even more hesitant to invest in advertising in a niche publication run by a young female entrepreneur. “In 2009 I moved back home with plans of increasing distribution in the Caribbean but by 2010 all my dreams were crumbling before my eyes and to make matters worse I had a miscarriage that same year,” says Brin.

With the nay sayers in one ear and motivators from complete strangers – decisions had to be made. Brin strongly believed that she couldn’t give up the magazine; it was time for directional change. So it would be with the same focus but a different strategy to keep the brand alive.

A diverse background in retail, state government, telecoms, and marketing makes Caribbean POSH MAGAZINE’s Publisher, Editor, and Founder an unlikely player in the consumer magazine industry.

Yet, as a company, POSH MAGAZINE shall continue to be a unique contender in the arena, and so will Brin.  Her mission in creating and nurturing the brand involves so much more than the latest subscription or cover story…

“POSH MAGAZINE gives Caribbean people an opportunity for a positive and desirable level of exposure”, says Brin … “POSH aims to create many educational and business opportunities for the people of the Caribbean”. And with the social media take over on the World Wide Web the potential reach of an online magazine is even greater.

Born in St.Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands and raised in Tortola, British Virgin Islands and Bronx, New York, Janette received her Undergraduate Degree in Business Marketing from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland and MBA in Marketing from the University of Phoenix.

In 2005, Brin founded POSH MAGAZINE with the help of family and close friends, excited about the possibilities of a business venture that incorporated her belief in enlightening and empowering Caribbean people, primarily women. Today, in addition to creating and developing new POSH MAGAZINE event products, Brin works to spread the great opportunity offered by this dynamic and innovative company.

Brin is also the proud mother of her 13 year old son Keano.